The Bible in 180 Days

The Bible in 180 Days
We will meet Tuesdays 12-1pm (March 19 - September 3, 2013). Come early to fellowship. Bring a sack lunch or go out to lunch afterwards! We will be meeting in the old sanctuary of the Nazarene church (900 West Line St.)

Bishop Creek Community Church... an Evangelical Free Church

Bishop Creek Community Church... an Evangelical Free Church
Join us for Sunday service at the Fairgrounds in the Tallman Pavilion on Sundays at 10:00am.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 90

The B90 - Day 90
Today's reading
From Revelation 21:6a: "It is done.
I am the Alpha and Omega,
the Beginning and the End."

We are done, too. We have read
from the beginning to the end.
In doing so, we have experienced
ALL of God's Word, something that
is extraordinary in today's world.

IF you are still finishing up, try to
do so as quickly as possible. Set a
specific date, and stick to the date.
Perhaps that date is today. Or a
month from now. But, whatever
that date is, stick to it. You've likely
already read more of the Bible than
ever before, so persevere and finish.
This is likely the best opportunity
you'll ever have in your life to do this.
Don't skip anything. Read it all.
You'll be glad you did.

Day 89

The B90 - Day 89
Today's reading
Grace day: if you have not finished
yet, read as much as you can to try
to finish by tomorrow.
for the next two days. Some people
have reads hundreds of pages during
the last few days. Pay attention, but
keep going.
Remember, you are reading God's Word.
Do you think that pleases Him?

Day 88

The B90 - Day 88
Today's reading
Pages 1044-1048 (Revelation 18-22)